It was an over cast day, but yet I decided to take my camera out to take some photos of Tikki sitting on the railing. She seemed to be more interested in something going on in the yard as she watched one of our ducks on the ground who seemed quite excited. I noticed that they were practicing flying earlier, but wouldn't get off the ground much. They had been quite hilarious to watch the past couple of days. Evinrude would take off running and get air borne for a short distance and land on the drive way.
Then I spotted Jack sitting on a chair, looking up at the roof of the old homestead where my husband grew up.
Feathers was on the roof as if to say cock a doodle doo, look what I can do!
Webster had joined her and they were busy checking out the birds nest where the eve had fallen off. It was going to be repaired this spring, but Rog didn't have the heart to do it until the little birds had left their nest. My thoughts are that these ducks are going to learn from them and by next spring, the ducks will have laid eggs on the roof! lol Actually it might be the smart thing, to keep the racoons out of them! Unfortunately Ivy had laid 18 more eggs and they were all gone before they could ever hatch. Sadly she has left and I think that her and Elmer have moved off into the the swamp pond to stay. We are down to 3 ducks now, as we gave 5 of the siblings away. It was for the fact, that we knew we would have more ducks, but lesson learned..... don't count your eggs before they hatch!
Well, So far Evinrude hasn't gotten the hang of flying very high. He chased Jack off the chair in hopes he can be just a bit closer to the girls. Perhaps I will have to put up a ladder for him! or have him read the book, The Fear of Flying! lol
Hope your little ones soon spread their wings and fly. I just returned to blog world and notices the new look of your blog. I really like it. I'm anxious to check out your links.
Your post about your cats and ducks make my smile wonderful pictures, your card with paper dolls are so wonderful, thanks for comment on my blog.
LOL!! Ducks and Kittehs go together quite well! xxoo P
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