Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Wishes and Resolutions

It is my wish for everyone to have a wonderful journey into 2011! May it be wonderfully filled with success, love, happiness, good health, wealth and positive things.

It's also time to fill in our resolutions for the new year. I had to sit and ponder awhile on what I wanted to accomplish so here is my list of out with the old and in with the new! My theme for this year is FEARLESS!

1. Fearless in tackling projects to be better organized! A Place for everything and everything in it's place!

2. Fearless to take charge in letting go. Time to get rid of things I have hoarded that have no purpose in my life. A big yard sale and donations are in for this year!

3. Fearless to taking charge of my own health. Exercise regularily. AT LEAST 3 TIMES a week! Either walking, on my bike or swimming and eating more fruits and veggies than processed foods.

4. Fearless in finishing. Taking time to finish that quilt for hubby that was started 3 years ago!

5. Fearless in procrastination. To hem all of my pants that have been in my closet for quite some time.

6. Fearless in learning something new. To learn how to use my camera and video camera effectively. To dig out that felting machine that has been sitting in the box collecting dust.

7. Fearless in social situations. To have a sew in with friends and to teach new things at least 4 times this year.

8. Fearless in shameless self promotion. To find a job or to develop more product and business.

I am sure there will be more to add, but these are the main ones that I want to tackle. How about you? What's on your list for the new year?


Pam said...

I wish you success with your fearless resolutions.

TheaMinPA said...

Hope you are successfully FEARLESS in all your undertakings in 2011!

Daffycat said...

Best wishes in the new year!

Ann said...

Happy 2011 to you! wishing you sucess with your resolutions!! I quit doing them over 20 yrs ago because I always felt so bad when I couldn't meet them! I'm always in awe of those who make them and strive to keep them!! BRAVO to you!!!

Mya said...

So, you start off the new year having to finish up on home repairs that you had hoped were done. I am afraid that sounds like life. Don't you sometimes feel that you have gotten a double dose.
Oh well, roll up the shirt sleeves...
We have so many repairs around here that I can not decide where to start. I am afraid that my husband's first response is "Ignore, and maybe it will cure itself." At that rate I will be watching the problems grow, and trying not to say, "I told you so!"

I hope this latest find will be your last necessary repair for a very long time.

Val said...

Your bathroom re-do is lovely! Great work. And the striped cat is especially dear. :)

Best wishes for a happy new year.